We’re on our back from a week on Martha’s Vineyard. Massachusetts is behind us, Michigan is before us, and New York appears to have us in her grasp. The dance across the Canadian border is up next. Armed with a Passport, a Green card and the kids birth certificates, we hope for the best. We’ll see how the kids fare. My babe would love to trek on through, but being the maternal figure in this car {and being that we are still 7 hours from home}, I’m more in touch with the reality that unless we desire our eardrums to bleed and our hair to be ripped from our very scalps, it is highly unlikely. Highly. We have had a most glorious vacation, and have surprisingly spent less than budgeted. This trip was the 2nd one given to us since the birth of our son. God is just cool like that. The first was when Aiden was 6 weeks old, when we trekked to Virginia for a timeshare that would have been wasted without our selfless voyage to save it {ahem}. This time it was payment for a design job. You’d think I charge a lot for design if you’d seen this place on the island, considering which island this is…a few thousand a week to rent it. Nope. This was simply the lavish offer by a sweet client who would have owed me around $300 for everything I designed for her, had she paid with money. Yup. Lavish provision. That’s how our God rolls. We invited a couple we love who are expecting their first child next month to join us {as a “babymoon” of sorts}, and a splendid time has been had by all!
Needless to say, the island was beautiful. Lovely. Loaded with character. And a very cooperative model for my budding love of photography. Thanks Martha.
And thanks, cricket, for being the cutest little darn thing since Shirley Temple. Your momma loves you! {and wishes you wouldn’t despise smiling for the camera like you do}.
Today is my 29th birthday. I’ve been meaning to get back on the blogging bandwagon for some time now (seeing I’ve had this sassy little blog designed for months now with absolutely nothing on it), and I can think of no better than today. Well, I suppose yesterday, or last month for that matter, would have been nice…but let’s be realistic. Today is all I’ve got. A And today is a new day. It’s a fresh start. A celebration of life! Today I start my 30th year. And by the very grace of God, I’m actually ridiculously excited about it. The wisdom and maturity, comfort and security that the 30s {have the potential to} offer is just so appealing to me. You’ve heard it {or maybe you haven’t}: 30, flirty, and thriving. I love that. I want that {in a deep, less superficial way than it may be read initially}. And this is all a part of getting there. My life is so in complete and utter limbo right now. I feel like everything is uncertain around me. We’re living in a house we haven’t closed on, an hour away from everything I know and hold dear to me outside of my husband and children, with some damaged furniture that, at this point in time, appears will not be replaced by the people who damaged it. I think it’s safe to say there’s room for growth. {Ahem} I have found blogging to be so therapeutic. Healing, even. Purging my heart and mind of the chaos, discovering the occasional nugget of wisdom, helps me process through the yucky stuff and forge onward. So giddyup…here we go again!