I have a friend who is like a fresh breeze.
Her transparency, authenticity and strength of character bless my heart with every sweet encounter.
She is a phenomenally lovely woman, inside and out.
I met this precious friend when our daughters were just wee little ones, walking down our street. We soon discovered that we had lived near each other, from Okemos to Haslett to Lansing, for the past dozen years, and only now did our Papa orchestrate the crossing of our paths.
We clicked immediately.
What started as a ‘chance’ encounter {ha!} blossomed into a delightful, intimate journey of shared love and life.
When we moved out of our home in Lansing, I knew cricket and I would terribly miss the friends we had spent countless, often spontaneous, mommy/daughter dates with. We adored our neighbors far more than any of the other aspects of our Lansing home address.
My friend is a treasure.
What a perfect gift the Father gave me in her at just the right time.
She challenged me in my walk with God. Inspired me to seduce my husband more {bow chika bow bow}. She walked alongside me in those early ‘what the heck am I doing’ days of motherhood, cheering me on constantly. She abundantly knocked my socks off with extravagant displays of generosity. And surprised me at just how loudly she could laugh at a movie.
She makes me smile.
She was such a gift to me, and continues to bless my heart with her infectious laugh, delightful sense of humor, undeniable commitment to her family and friends, incredible generosity, sweet vulnerability and transparency, intense passion for her savior. and her @$$ kicking strength in the face of adversity.
Girl, you are my hero.
I am so proud of the fight you’re putting up.
In the midst of this dark, lonely depression, you may have lost sight of your intrinsic value. Your unique contribution to this world. Your precious, irreplaceable role in the the many hearts that know you and love you. And the stunning destiny your Papa has mapped out for you. But you haven’t lost your ability to fight.
And I know you’re tired of fighting. For pete’s sake, haven’t you fought hard enough?
I can’t imagine how difficult this must be for you. What a lonely, scary road you are walking. How do you focus on the light when all you seem to see around you is dark? How do you recall your unique purpose when getting out of bed takes every ounce of energy you’ve got?
My heart is broken for you, my friend. I feel I have no words to encourage that don’t sound like hollow comfort or trite quips. I feel helpless. And that breaks my heart further.
I am so sorry for the dull ache that is perpetually in your heart and your body, sweet friend. I wish I could take it all away. And I keep praying He will.
It makes me angry that the enemy of our souls appears to be winning this segment of the battle. I want to cry when I think about how weary and hopeless you are.
I know the war is already won. Yes, I know. But this battle is raging much fiercer and much bloodier than I ever imagined it would for you.
But, in all this, I know that the God who holds you tenderly in the palm of His hand has no intention of letting you go. He created you and has a plan for your life. Even this dark blotch of a season will in time contribute depth and value to the canvas of your life. He is creating a masterpiece in you, don’t you ever forget it.
You are beautiful. You are uniquely fabulous. You are valued and loved by so many, and your willingness to bare your soul on this treacherous journey continues to reveal incredible inner strength and resolve, and an undeniable hope in Jesus.
Keep fighting. Keep pushing in. Keep pressing on.
Victory will come, beloved, it will. Because He has promised it. And you will stand and be a testimony of His faithfulness and love, a trophy of His grace, and a stunning expression of His relentless pursuit of the human heart. You will.
And I’m praying you find rest and peace in your Papa’s arms until this raging storm subsides.
Thank you for all you are and all your do.
Your thoughtfulness astounds me.
Your strength inspires me.
Your love encourages me.
Your honesty challenges me.
Your friendship delights me.
I love you more than you know.
“Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you with a glad heart. I am so pleased that you have continued on in this with us, believing and proclaiming God’s Message, from the day you heard it right up to the present. There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears”. Philippians 1:6 {Message}