Our morning was full to the brim with love.
Oh, and bubbles…
a cute boy{friend}…
smiles {and smirks}…
awfully cute {wet} kids…
freedom {to remain cereal splattered}…
delightful expressions…
sweetness…and sabotage…
twinkling eyes {and fabulous little teeth!}…
and warm remembrance…
adorable toothy grins…
contemplative poses, and an age-in-fingers display for good measure.
Oh, how we love our Lansing lovelies.
Thank you for your sweet hospitality {despite our last minute trip}, your warm hugs, your ever-ready encouragement, your gorgeous smiles, your refreshing transparency, and phenomenal PB&J sandwiches.
It never ceases to amaze me…just being near you fills my tank so thoroughly!
What a gift from the Father you are! And oh, how I adore you!
Thank you for refreshing our souls, and for helping make today so drastically different than yesterday. Let’s hear it for the energizing cycle!
Oh, and thanks for letting me snap photies of {half} your beautiful loin-fruit…they’re fantastic on the eyes!