How does your garden grow?
Rows o’ potential: corn n’ taters’, proprietary,
and a teeny little melon of the water variety.
look a little closer…
there she is!
And on a considerably more serious note {not that taking close-ups of your vegetables is not a serious thing…it is indeed, if you’re… uh, unusual…like me}, have you ever considered this:
“God is the source of all creativity.
He made only one “you”.
He didn’t use a mould to form you,
He used His hands.
And he will never use His hands
in exactly the same way again.”
{Thank you, Roy Lessin}
I may be delirious with excitement at watching my garden grow – after all, I can daily be heard exclaiming from the kitchen window…”honey…I think the corn grew 6 inches overnight!“…
{Yes, this is my first garden. Don’t be mean.}
…but, I’m way more intrigued – enchanted, if you will – by the fact that the creator of the universe knit us together in our mother’s wombs {Psalm 139}, and intentionally molded us to be uniquely who we are; from the shape of our nose to the length of our toes. Not even identical twins can claim that level of similarity. Between our appearance and our personalities, our quirks and our passions, not one of us is alike.
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.”
Psalm 139:14
It’s crazy to think about, really.
With over 6,697,254,041 people on the planet…not one is the same?
And the best part is…He planned it that way.
Dr. Suess put it perfectly when he wrote:
Today you are You, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is Youer than You.
Amen, brother.