Never before have the friends in my life been as dear to me as they are now.
Friends have always been fun. Vital, if you wish.
But today, as a young woman fumbling my way through this crazy season of motherhood, the connectedness I share with the precious girlfriends in my life is such a source of delight to me that I cannot imagine life without them.
Friendships change when you get married. Marriage opens up a whole new realm of discussion and challenges to work through.
Motherhood changes friendship even more.
It softens while it toughens.
It tenderizes while it deepens.
It breaks down judgment while it builds up grace.
It stretches while it fills up.
These friendships are so often the face and hands of Christ in my life. He loves me so lavishly and sweetly through them.
The women that I have had the joy of crying and laughing with these past few years continue to astound me with their wisdom, patience, grace and beauty {both inside and out}, and I am more grateful than ever for their sweet presence in my life.
Many of them made it out to celebrate with us last month…our daughter’s 3rd birthday, our son’s 1st birthday, and the {final} closing of our house all rolled into one big bash…and those who weren’t able to make it were very definitely missed.
Thank you, sweet friends….you are a joy to my soul and a delight to my heart!
“I thank my God every time I remember you”
Philippians 1:3