Here are some spiffy shirts I designed a while back, for a sweet friend I’ve never met {isn’t it amazing how you can feel so connected to someone you’ve never met?!?}, inspired by the passage in Mark {10:7-9} where Jesus explains, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,and the two will become one flesh.’So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate“.
And you should buy some.
Not to be pushy or anything.
They’d make swell Christmas gifts. Or wedding gifts. Or a I’m sorry I completely forgot about Sweetest Day, when was it again? gift. Or happy Wednesday gifts.
Just sayin’.
And you get to support a ministry that LOVES marriage, while declaring to the world that your spouse still knocks your socks off…and looking trendy while doing all that.
Right here at Union 28.