We like pizza around here, and eat it every other week or so.
The catch: it’s almost always homemade!
I tried making pretzels with the dough…I want to try cinnamon rolls…and we love to turn it outside-in and make Stromboli.
{We buy our dough at SAMS – just 16 smackaroos for 20 perfect balls of frozen dough. It’s awesome!}
I got the urge to try making little personal sized Stromboli instead of the single, large one. While I don’t follow a recipe {oooh, it’s called living on the edge}, it somewhat resembles this process…
Mini Stromboli{s}
* Whip ball of dough out of freezer mid-morning and lump it on the kitchen counter. It takes around 4-6 hours for it to thaw completely.
* Whip out a baggie of frozen pizza sauce – you can pick up a huge can of it at SAMS or Gordons – just around 4 bucks for a massive can. Then split it up and freeze them, and you’re good to go! Or crack open a can.
* Assess your fridge: what veggies and cheese can you toss in? We usually use mushrooms, onions, peppers {the more colors the better}, bacon, feta cheese, mozzarella cheese, and the likes.
* About an 45 minutes before you want to chow, put oven on to 350*, roll out your dough on a lightly floured surface. Cut it into quarters with a pizza cutter. Plop some sauce, finely chopped veggies, cheese and such in the center.
* Melt some butter and swipe it on the edges {I use my finger} to seal them as you fold them in.
* Either baste the Stromboli with butter or spray them lightly with cooking spray, sprinkle some sea salt and garlic powder on top and toss them on a greased cookie sheet.
* Bake these puppies for 15-20 minutes at 350*, or until golden brown on top.
Gotta love the dough-ey top!
{Squisito alimente, Amici!}