We’ve been a busy bunch around here over the past two weeks!
Between family festivities, the dynamic food-friends-fun combination, weeding and watering our growing veggie garden, multiple dips in the lake, our first camping trip, a week of recovery from laser eye surgery, and far too many trips to the Whippy Dip to mention, I haven’t had a moment to sit in front of this screen and ponder life.
Or design.
Or drool over Pinterest.
Or stalk people on facebook, for that matter.
It helps that I can actually SEE the screen today.
My precious family has taken good care of me as I’ve spent the last week donning dark shades, scurrying from the light, crying “sanctuary!”, and pouring a myriad of medications, drop by irritating drop, over my tender eyeballs 16 times each day.
But I am delighted to announce that I can now see at about 85% out of both of my eyes {always good!}…with no assistance. And the discomfort is almost completely gone. It’s pretty astonishing, actually, this modern technology.
So thankful!
While the break has been refreshing, it’s good to be back…reflecting on the delicious chaos of my wildly messy life, and chomping at the bitt to share this sweet moment with you. I snapped these photos from across the picnic table while camping last weekend. It was an impromptu, unsolicited love-fest that I couldn’t resist capturing.
These two genuinely adore each other. Most of the time. And I’m just thrilled to bits about it.
I recall someone telling me, while ripe and ready with our second, that when our two were old enough to communicate easily and play well together, that watching their friendship develop would be one of the most beautiful things we could experience as parents.
How right they were!
As a side note, as I gaze into those innocent little eyes…a little piece of Biblical advice for our beloved wee Bean, who, with all her spunk and sass, is filled to the brim with compassion and grace:
“Ruth waited patiently for her mate Boaz. While you are waiting on YOUR Boaz, don’t settle for any of his relatives; Broke-az, Po-az, Lyin-az, Drunk-az, Cheap-az, Lockedup-az, Goodfornothin-az, Lazy-az, and especially his third cousin Beatinyo-az. Wait on your Boaz and make sure he respects Yoaz”
~ brilliant author {unfortunately} unknown