I find that there are people you meet in life who make you want to drink.
And then there are those you come across who make you want to drink coffee.
Or tea. Or hot chocolate.
Really any warm beverage you can sip slowly – together – will do, if it gives you a few more minutes to soak up their company.
I love meeting those who inspire the latter.
Those precious souls are a sweet reminder of why God created the coffee bean, and hands to wrap around hot mugs, bottoms to sit on, arms to draw close.
Coffee and friendship are just a natural fit, wouldn’t you say?
“Let’s do coffee” is an invitation to bare souls.
A glorious excuse to draw closer, pour into, and draw out of.
It’s also a powerful picture of life, this process of brewing coffee.
A reminder, like in the story of the ‘carrot, egg & coffee beans’, that the heat of our circumstances – rather than making us hard, like the egg, or soft like the carrot – can actually draw out the fragrance and flavor of who we really are inside.
Rather than being changed by our surroundings…we’re provided with an opportunity to change our surroundings.
“The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor of your life. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate to another level?”
So today, when you pour that cup of joe, sip on life.
Consider your strength.
Allow your unique flavor and aroma to rise to the surface.
And then go make that coffee date you’ve been talking about for the past year.
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