Frequently Asked Questions
How can we afford more than one talk?
We know that the numbers can be overwhelming at first glance, so please consider the price per person. This will also help in deciding a ticket price for your event. For example, let’s look at the “Stem” (package 1). If I am expecting 200 people, that works out to only $3 a person. To upgrade to the “Bunch” (package 2) is $6 per person, and “Bouquet” (package 3) is only $8.50. So your Simply Bloom Conference cost would stay under $10 a person no matter what package you choose. In summary, focus on the little numbers.
What if I don’t have money for meals?
Planning food can be difficult. Package 1 and 2 could both easily be done with snacks, like a peanut/popcorn bar or a yogurt bar. Keep in mind there is always an option to find food sponsors for your conference, or ask attendees to bring a dish to pass. This is another good thing to consider when deciding your ticket price. If you can do food for $3 a person and expect 200 hundred people, that’s $600! We know the food adds up fast, but so does adding just $1 to the ticket price.
Why is Package 2 “ideal”?
We trust that you and your team will put time into planning, decorating, and preparing for this event, and it’s worth it for a single message. However, Package 2 adds little to no additional work for you, while providing the opportunity to go deeper relationally and spiritually, without requiring you to take on Package 3. While you may have to add an additional worship set, or make your snack a meal, Package 2 allows you to enjoy the event without adding to your workload.
What if we really want LOTS of worship?
Great! We love worship too. With any of our packages you have the freedom to adjust the schedule to add more worship. However, 2-3 messages allows for more worship opportunities, not just longer sets.
Which package option will work best for the age range of my audience?
All of our packages work well for mixed-age audiences, as well as specific-age groups. However, we have found that Package 3 seems like a big time commitment for older women who may have health concerns, as well as young moms who need to take care of little ones.
What if we have a really big or small group?
This is a great question! We tend to think we need a certain number of people in order to have a successful event, however that is not the case. No matter the size of the audience, we need to be intentional about creating a safe place for vulnerability and intimacy. Smaller groups enable the entire group to share, discuss, and process together what they have just heard. Large groups can split into smaller groups/tables to create intentional connection, while still allowing women to blend in and feel safe. There is a tremendous energy in a large group setting; there’s nothing like knowing you’re not alone.
The audience size does impact how the audience participates in the event: intimate settings provide more opportunity for vulnerability while a large group provides energy and anonymity.
Okay, how do you say “Penduka”?
Penduka means “wake up!” in Oshiwambo and Otjiherero (tribal languages from Namibia, the country Joy grew up in).
You pronounce it: pen-doo-kah.
How do I know which theme is best for my women and our event?
Ask them! Find a few ladies that you know would likely attend your event, and ask them their thoughts about the themes you are considering. You might find that you’re drawn to one particular theme; don’t underestimate that God could be leading you to the message your ladies need most. While certain themes may draw different women, there are no bad choices here. Push through the fear that you might make the “wrong choice”.
Have another question we haven’t answered here?
Email Melissa, the SB Booking Manager.
[ Already have a conference planned and just need a speaker? We’ve got that too! ]