{Can you guess who got a new camera to play with…?}
Take a Wild Guess…
who went to the carnival today and loved every minute of it…?
The Hunt Down
He freezes. He is keenly aware… that his sister is after him. Again. Being faster and more agile than baby Bug, she gains on him, and pounces. Glumly aware of his defeat… he succumbs. And sports his necklace smashingly well. Nice work, cricket. Your brother is a rockstar.
I have a crush…
on this camera: I would really like to get my amateur little mitts on her pretty black plastic and get trigger happy with my kids on the other side of the lens. This is serious. I think about her a lot. About how ridiculously fantastic my photos will magically become simply by using this camera {and I haven’t even watched… Read More
It is official. We are in love.
My Beautiful Loin-Fruit
{taken by my handsome baby-daddy}