SOZO | Embracing the Hard + Holy Road to Wholeness

“Some books challenge us and leave us feeling down or numb. Not SOZO. Joy McMillan doesn’t hold anything back, but her words are filled with understanding and grace. The book challenged me without the chafing. This would be a wonderful read for anybody that needs to be shaken out of numbness or apathy but isn’t interested in getting smacked in the face with the same old tired motivational phrases or jargons…”
Mike Leiter, Worship Leader at New Life Vineyard
What if the health of your mind, body and emotions mattered as much to you as they do to their Creator? What if Jesus came to offer us more than fire insurance? What if the life you’ve longed for were available – outside of your comfort zone? What if freedom and peace and joy were already paid for? What if you were invited on a pilgrimage of sorts – one that would slowly mend and restore your whole being as you learned to walk in honest relationship with God and others? What if the pit you’ve been in isn’t a tomb… but a womb for growth and healing?
What if you were made for more?
SOZO is an invitation to take off the mask and come out of hiding. To bravely tell the truth about your pain, your fear, your doubts and your dreams, so you can see your life through the lens of freedom and grace. It is a call to own your story, reclaim your identity, practice self-compassion, and live as the beloved. It is an embrace of both the hard work and the holy call to wholeness.
“In her third book, Joy uses her talent with words to invite you
on a journey towards wholeness, healing and growth. Through her authentic story-telling and the passionate heart she has for seeing women’s lives changed, Sozo is a call to action. With empathy, understanding and grace, Joy encourages readers to embrace the imperfect, to recognise every part which makes us whole, and to step confidently into the relationship with God we are designed for. I cannot recommend this book enough! My copy will be a dog-eared, highlighted and scribbled-in treasure on my bookshelf (or, quite possibly, never leave the side of my bed!).”Heidi Short, Editor & Instructor at University of Cape Town
If you’re tired of keeping up appearances, are emotionally and physically weary and in need of practical tools for change, and find yourself starving for authentic spirituality, then this book is for you. You are in good company here, sweet messy friend.
After 15 years of going through the motions, writing and speaking about wounds she’d never actually given God space to heal, Joy hit a wall. In what she refers to as ‘the glorious unraveling’, the loose threads of her ragged façade were pulled and she came undone. Raw and vulnerable, this book is a love letter from the trenches, where Joy sat with the Father and examined the scatted contents of her heart, and where she continues to navigate the hard and holy road home…body, spirit and soul.